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CIPHI AEC - September 26-28, 2016
Join us for a one of a kind silent auction.  The silent auction will be running for the duration of the conference.

If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction, please contact tastycharity@gmail.com
Join us in fundraising and creating awareness for Clinica Verde!  The following is a list of previous events.  Watch for upcoming events to volunteer and support!
Crowdrise! - This fundraiser has ended
Contact Us
For more information on any of these events, please
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

– Winston Churchill
Fundraising Events
FundScrip - This Fundraiser has ended
Use Group Invitation Code: CDXV6S
Public Health Beyond Borders Gear!
Be the Change! Buy gear to help us raise money to purchase a patient transport vehicle for Clinica Verde.

CLOSED - Watch for "Be the Change" gear when you're out and about!
Huge thanks to all the amazing organizations and businesses who made this silent auction possible:

Environmental Health Foundation of Canada
CIPHI National
CIPHI Alberta Branch
Field Law
Edmonton Opera
Advantage Training Stable
Basket Kraze
SweetPea Sews
Ella May MakeUp Art
Lisa Cartwright - Norwex Consultant
Celina Natalie Cosmetics
routine. cream - natural deodorant
Ashley Rose Designs
Chateau Lacombe
Alley Kat Brewery
David Zimmerman
Bella Casa Design

.... and the many individuals 
that also donated!!